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Vice-Deanship for Training and Clinical Affairs
​​​The College Vice-Deanship for Training and Clinical Affairs supervises field and clinical training of students. In addition, the Vice-Deanship follows up practitioners’ affairs of faculty at King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz University Hospital, including obtaining professional licenses and following up the performance of health services provided by the college at the university hospital. Additionally, it helps in organizing educational programs that contribute to educating interns and practitioners; supervising the academic honorary titles committee; organizing annual meetings with training agencies; and organizing the Scientific Research Day for the College of Pharmacy. 
Administrations of the Vice-Deanship: 
 1) Training and Internship Administration: 
The Administration of Training and Internship supervises the training of students during the internship year and guarantees suitable training seats for students in hospitals; drug agencies and companies; and pharmacies. It also ensures administrative arrangements related to training rotations including training schedules, supervisor evaluation of students, and site visits. 
 2) Clinical Practice Administration: 
Coordinating the practice of faculties in the hospital and following up the faculty status related to professional license and classifications from the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. It is also organizing the provision of continuing medical education courses including accredited hours from the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. 
 3) Honorary Academic Clinical Titles: 
Academic Clinical Titles are honorary titles granted by the University based on the recommendations of the College of Pharmacy as an appreciation for the distinguished trainers who contribute to the achievement of educational goals of the College through teaching and training collaborations. This can ensure high-quality training for students in hospitals and health agencies. 
Applying for academic titles is available on an annual basis via an online application at the end of the academic training year. Titles are awarded to those who meet the conditions of the approved requirements.
Contact Information:
​​Email address 
​​​​Extension  ​
​Vice Deanship for Training and Clinical affairs 
​01182 (39390) 
01182 (39306)
​Training and Internship Administration
​01182 (39362) 
01182 (39339) 
01182 (39293) 
01182 (39328​)
​Clinical Practice Administration

​01182 (39390) 
01182 (39306)
